Moneyboys (2021)


Both are BL Taiwanese movies about unrequited love. The tone, acting, cinematography, and vibes are very similar.

7.5 2021

-Taiwanese BL -finding love while doing dangerous prostitution work -head over heart decisions

7.1 1998

Similar because of the love that develops between a male prostitute and another man. Both films explore the dangerous lifestyle of a male sex worker and the impact their homosexuality has on their homophobic families. Unrequited love also.
BL film where an ex returns and stirs up old feelings, creating a complicated dynamic and love triangle. The ML is forced to choose between his new lover and the old one who re-emerged.
BL about hard life of male prostitution. One guy is in love with his roommate, but the roommate remains pretty aloof.
Lan Yu

7.1 2001

Male prostitute who falls in love but for one reason or another can’t be with the man he loves. Unrequited sadness peppered with beautiful BL moments.
Crystal Boys

7.7 2003

Taiwanese stories about male sex workers. Common theme of dangerous work, unrequited love, and homophobic, unsupportive families.
No Regret

7.1 2006

Similarities- - Good cinematography. Shot artistically and a bit bleakly - Related to a popular male escort who is emotionally aloof but deeply lonely - Have a male admirer who wishes to be close to them that the ML initially rejects - Both have situations where a male lover is protective and even violent in order to protect the ML -Slight violence in both related to the prostitution industry -Great acting Differences- - Very different story. - No Regret is more narratively plot-driven. Moneyboys is much more of a character study. - No Regret has a happy ending; albeit a bit unconventional and a bit polarizing to some viewers. -There are fewer explicit scenes in No Regret, but the very few that are evident are a bit more graphic.