The Fifth Season (2018)



7.6 2022

Both titles feature prominent messages about marriage equality in a lesbian relationship - and how the lack of such rights has disastrous effects in instances of emergencies and loss.
First Love

7.7 2016

Lesbian couples dealing with similar themes such as hospital stays, and dealing with inequality and homophobic relatives.
Both have lesbian couples dealing with inequality and homophobia when faced with something such as illness or an accident.

7.2 2014

Both of these South Korean lesbian short films touch on important social topics relevant to LGBTQ+ couples in the country. They also both present a cute romance between a confident extrovert and a shy/quiet introvert that grows over time into adulthood/the present.
Although completely different in tone and purpose, the scenes present in Eunha's flashbacks in "The Fifth Season" remind of a couple of the stories within the anthology "Girls on Rela."