Konto ga Hajimaru (2021)


Same slice of life but the friendship from the last episode of Kamiki no Satsukyu is not just similar in actors but the way they were interacting each other is similar to the friendship they had in Konto Ga Hajimaru but with Suda Masaki.
These are similar slice of life dramas since the characters in these seemed to have "failed" in their passion and is planning to do other things since things are not working out. They differ in that in Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai, he has already quit but in Konto ga Hajimaru, they are just about to. I also like the relationships formed and made stronger in both of these dramas. EDIT: Wow, just discovered that the screenwriter for both is the same person! I think he also improved since my rating for ONHWN is 9 but 10 for KGH.
Both are coming of age stories of group of friends and how they deal with the trials and tribulations in their lives!
- strong friendships - multi main characters - slice of life - realistic - heartwarming - struggles to become an independent adult
About struggling comedians. Konto ga Hajimaru is a relatively upbeat ensemble drama although still realistic while Spark is more gloomy and moody.
My Mister

9.0 2018

I feel the vibe is very similar. The pace of both is similar as well. The whole idea of a group of people in a neighbourhood coming together. Both dramas start from a low point in the protagonist's life and set things right. The entry of the female lead is the turning point in both.
Aside from being the best dramas i watch this 2021, it has its similarities because both have a female character who was 'demoted' to a new job in Konto and in HC, to a remote area. Tbh, Konto is more like a collection of stories compared to HC which is more focused on the main couple. In addition, the relationships in both dramas seem genuine. IMO, the romantic relationships in these dramas were not forced and grew naturally. Both have comedy elements in them too, so both are good stress relievers! Just be reminded that Konto might make you cry in the first few episodes.