Cruel City (2013)


The Veil

8.3 2021

1. Action/thriller 2. Revenge 3. Bromance 5. Better characterisation 6. Fight scenes 7. Side romance is sizzling 8. Jung Kyung Ho is hot in this!
The best noir drama with hotness loaded. Story keeps you on edge throughout the series. Badass drama!!!
Bad Guys

7.7 2022

Bromance in this one is epic! Same mafia/gangster plot and characters. Even though Cruel city is more noir , I think it's worth a watch if you like bromance central violent plots
They both involve crime, action and hidden identity and both dramas are pretty intense.
Better Days

9.2 2019

Both feature a woman falling in love with a bad guy who she shouldn’t like…………………….
Both have this suspense feeling and the past/present thing (main characters knew each other in the past) aaand in both dramas are handsome guys!
Adult serious thing. Both have dark, bitter, cruel atmosphere. Must watch for noir lover.

7.8 2007

Both dramas have 2 strong parallel leads whose characterizations are really well done. Both are also noir/crime drama.
Final Life

6.8 2017

A bit different genre wise, Final Life has a more scifi element and Cruel City is very much a noir gangster story but the similarities are in how neither of these shows are without flaws but they get to you and don't let go. Both are more bromance heavy. Both have phenomenal action. Both have messed up characters with traumatic backstories. Both will leave you a crying mess.

7.7 2013

both have anti-hero male leads both MLs want revenge strong FL
- Both deal with gangs - Both have leads conflicted about their life involved in the black market - Coin locker girl doesn't have the romance aspect as much

8.0 2022

Similar Noir Crime Vibes Male Lead that can fight Both became who they were to bad circumstances or events in life Revenge based drama
Both dramas have Two friends who fought gangsters and police corruption they tried to protect and save each other from the cases they are involved in The korean drama has more fight scenes and side romantic story not sure about the chinese one yet
- Both mains are undercover agents - Rookie Agent is set in a different time period, it's interesting contrasting them - Romance is a side story in both, it is less present in Cruel City - Both mains are in the police force - Both highlight the sacrifices made by undercover police and their tough lives

7.9 2021

Both shows feature undercover agents who were betrayed by their handlers and led astray. The Male Leads suffer from an identity crisis, wherein they have been playing a role for so long, they no longer know who they are. The Female Lead in Undercover, however, has a bigger and more important role than the Female Lead in Cruel City.