A Fighter's Blues (2000)


A love story of the past 5,272 km, linking the two countries, Indonesia and Japan. Elly, Indonesian students, and Ryo, a young Japanese acquainted through social media. They also met in Japan, spending time together, and eventually fell in love. However, differences in language and culture in their way. How is the continuation of their love story?

7.2 2014

A romantic love story about a ML a Hong Kong boxer & FL a Japanese nurse. It's not so good as other Tokiwa Takako movie Moonlight Express but if you like intercountry romantic movie why nit give a try?
Oishii Man

6.9 2009

Singer Hyeon Seok develops problems with his hearing (Menieres syndrome) and has to stop his recordings. He notices a picture of Hokkaido in a magazine and decides to travel there. He eventually arrives in a a small village in Hokkaido for rest. While there, he reminisces about the old days. The owner of the inn offers him a Japanese meal. There he meets a bright cheerful girl named Megumi.
Joe Yabuki is an aimless young man who runs away from an orphanage with no money and no place to stay. He runs into a former boxing trainer, Danpei, who still has a strong passion for boxing. Danpei watches Joe fight and regains his desire to train future boxers. Joe, however, does not have any interest in boxing until he ends up in a juvenile prison where he meets Rikiishi, a former boxing prodigy. They quickly develop a rivalry, and a newfound interest in boxing overcomes everybody in prison, including Joe.
Hatanaka Kosaku is a talented boxer who turned pro at the age of 19, winning his debut match with a first-round KO. He is talented, but he has no guts. His uncontrollable appetite is an even bigger problem. He can't put himself in the right weight class, he runs out of energy because of hunger, and he gets knocked out while his eyes are set on food at the ringside. However, Kosaku's life changed when he met Sister Angela, a novice nun in the convent near his boxing gym. She became the source of his power, and Kosaku fights only to win her heart.