The Flaming History of the Dela Cruz Family (2018)

Ang Nagliliyab na Kasaysayan ng Pamilya Dela Cruz

Released: Dec 1, 2018

Rating: 8.0/10 (by 4 users)


Set during the year 1971, this film follows the story of the Dela Cruz family who lives in Central Luzon, the rice granary of the Philippines. The family is composed of Lina, the matriarch, Nestor, the patriarch, and their only child, Tonio, whose lives are constantly being threatened and exposed to acts of violation and exploitation due to their peasantry. The story also lightly borders on Jun, Tonio's best friend, who serves as one of the factors for his social awakening. The film unfolds six years after Nestor was unsuspectingly shot in the leg and was left severed by the incident. Consequently, Lina assumed the role of Nestor as a farmer, therefore, making her the family's breadwinner. Through the years, the violation and exploitation of not just the lives of the Dela Cruz family but those around them only worsen and triggers Lina's burning desire to fight their aggressors by joining a peasant movement (kilusan). However, if she is going to join the movement, she wants her husband and son to join with her as this is the only way she sees that she could end their struggles and protect them, especially their only child. Lina thinks that even if they die joining the movement at least they died fighting and their principle intact. (Source: IMDb)