Night in Paradise (2021)


My Name

8.7 2021

action film with mobs and thugs, which is the main similar part between the two along with the war between in gangs. both action-packed and brutal
it has a similar dark vibe to it and gore too. the characters are emotionless. not to forget it is also quite tragic.
For some reason I kept thinking about Night in Paradise when I watched Alice, the Final Weapon. Both dramas have a dark theme, both have character that either are gangsters or remind you of gangsters and both have a whole lot of blood, hiding and revenge. Alice has a bit more youth, romance, psychopaths and dark humour than Night in Paradise while Night in paradise has more powerful scenes and a lot more guns.
Same vibes, the trust and betrayal issues, killed family and revenge! finally that bloody ending! And instead of that little romance there's bromance! ..

7.4 2023

Noir, Gangster ML, Town-Setting, Similar ending. Both movies are depressing... one is seeking freedom while the other is out for revenge and along the way both gangsters have found someone they want to protect with their whole life even if it means they have to lose theirs.

7.9 2023

I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Like the others, it has the same vibes. Both have the slight "romantic" theme, less gore, but same betrayal AND badass women.