Going by the Book (2007)


Both stories feature unconventional heroes, are in rather absurd situations, and feature a twisted sense of humor. They are both great comedies with brilliant actors!
They are both really good police-comedy movie even tho the story is totally different, if you liked one you will definitely like the other one
Big Bang

7.2 2007

Two men, living their lives closely following the rules, and chaos they create.
Bank Attack

6.7 2007

Both are bank robbery but in very funny, unconventional way. Korean comedy, worth watching, had some good laughs
Juror 8

8.4 2019

Group effort. Partial action, mystery, thriller with humor. Great casts. Both consisted of different ages, different gender. First they doubted the guy, then they go along, then they felt sympathetic and supported the main guy. Both are relaxing movie with good substance and fun

8.4 2019

Both are fun movie to watch. Main similarity with the main lead. First lack of confidence. Misfortune and failing in career ladder. However, they are great man with great principle. They can lead, they are serious to their duty and task. When assigned an important duty, they gave their all.
Both were bank robbery. The robber were kind hearted. Not intention to hurt anyone. Circumstances put him in that position. Fun comedy to watch.
The Winners

7.6 2020

Both films share the same hilarious plot. The main character that always goes by the book is appointed to simulate the robbery of a bank.
The subject matter and plot lines of these have absolutely nothing in common, but both are parodies and I found the tone and humor to be really similar. Comedy is all about personal taste, but if you like yours deadpan and absurd with a touch of suspense and enjoyed Going by the Book you should give Once Upon a Time in Saengchori a try. I find them both pee-your-pants funny.

8.4 2023

"Going by the Book" and "Boyhood" have different plots, but they're similar for being a unique comedy where the main charactes are randomly assigned to a certain role and how they took it seriously and so on to the series of misunderstandings with other people.