The Sound of Magic (2022)


I don't know why but the psychological aspect with the peter pan syndrome reminds me "its okay to not be okay" I also draw attention to the visuals of this drama which has a magical side although "darker" than « THE SOUND OF MAGIC »
Better Days

9.2 2019

Premises are very similar! Both have a FL that's in high school and is really smart but dealing w bullying, absent parents, and financial struggles. FL in both find help/comfort in a guy who is otherwise an outcast and looked down on in society. Sound of Magic doesn't really have romance while Better Days kinda does, but they tackle the same social issues.
The main leads of "The Sound of Magic' is featured in the show. In case you watched Youth MT because of a certain actor/actress and you loved their chemistry, watch their dramas. :)))))
Drama Same theme lead who wants to learn magic Brave lead female with strong personnality Friendship
Magic theme Lead magician like Ji Chang Wook in The Sound of Magic Close relationship with a girl Handsome appareance Visuals
She is not a magician but she is a witch who uses magic. The visuals is fantasy : tree who speaks), the story is interesting.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
My Mister

9.0 2018

In terms of fantasy, totally not similar ofcourse.. But remove fantasy or magic thing, these very similar: the protagonist/lead, and the vibes about dark concept in life (slice of life thing) about the society issues. One thing that very remarkable.. The lesson of the drama or these two series.. 'One day/someday, you meet someone that gives you comfort/peace, or helping hands to overcome the hardships and become better person to face the life ahead of you. Just don't give up and continue to fight. ONE DAY OR SOMEDAY.. Fighting!!'
they‘re both off-beat fantasy/magical short school dramas based on popular webtoons. Although they’re very different in terms of plot, they remind me of each other in the way the story is told and the school setting.
Both have magician as a central character effecting the lives of thous unforntunate. Also has unrealistic dancing and singing sequence that seem surreal.
The phycological side & plot twist in the end Sweet in the beginning, But dark in the end In these aspects they are similer in my opinion

8.8 2016

Just kind of felt similar. When I was watching The Sound of Magic I was reminded of Goblin even though it is not similar but kinda is.
Both dramas have a similar feel due to being fantasy based with the characters having inexplicable powers.
In The Sound of Magic the FL, who is unhappy due to unfortunate circumstances in her life, befriends a Magician who begins to teach her magic. Similarly, Moorim School revolves around a group of students who attended a mysterious school due to having mystical powers such as magic.
Both have a peculiar and reclusive older male lead that enters the female leads lives. They help eachother grow and overcome problems. Both shows also tackle inequality, bullying and student life.