The Eternal Zero (2013)



7.9 2011

Both ... -have the same backdrops of WW II on Japan -have Inoue Mao in the same role as a wife waiting for her husband comeback from battlefield -are story-telling style drama/movie
Joker Game

7.5 2015

Both are about wise, brave persons of Japanese Imperial army during World War II..........................
Similar bittersweet story of a Kamikaze pilot who inspires the main leads from the modern day to treasure and appreciate their lives, and to live life to the fullest.
Both are world war II movies about reminiscence of military descendants about their ancestors' selfless sacrifice, heroics of Japanese brave Kamikaze pilots of Imperial army against atrocities & tyranny of Americans...........................................
Both are world war II movies about selfless sacrifice, heroics of Japanese brave Kamikaze pilots of Imperial army against atrocities & tyranny of Americans...........................................