The Rebel (2021)


The same Republican Era The same war fare and spy work The same antagonist with miserable love life and revenge even the decor and styling are the same
Both republican era drama both have Bromance and also romantic relationship both deals with War
I am a huge fan of this genre but by far these 2 dramas are the most similar. Starts off with a naive/rookie spy agent that gains life experience through many missions and there are themes of political struggle, really smart characters, action, etc. but there is more romance, comedy and friendship in "Fearless Whispers". Both are some of the best dramas I've seen, I recommend them. (Also the actors in both dramas are 11/10)

8.4 2021

* Both shows are historical, political dramas with some romance. (I would say Snowdrop is 50% romantic melodrama + 50% political thriller. Whereas The Rebel focuses more on the war, espionage and politics (65%), but the 35% of the romance is muuuch more powerful, evident and dramatic; and the leads have better chemistry!) * Both shows depict the struggle for power between two opposing parties (Snowdrop takes place during SK presidential elections, while The Rebel takes place during China's Civil War). * Forbidden romance trope: in Snowdrop we have the SK National Intelligence director's daughter and a NK spy that is holding her captive; in The Rebel the FL is an underground communist that is targeted by the ML (a secret agent of the nationalist party). * FLs are students with somewhat powerful fathers, while the MLs are agents/spies. * Both MLs have doubts / change their political views, because of the FLs. And all they want to do is protect the FLs. * I just find the vibe of these two shows similar - I really recommend watching The Rebel (for the plot, the visuals and the romance).
The Justice

7.9 2021

Set at the same time, in the same era of Republican China, and have a similar theme of bloodshed. Gives revolutionary vibes for both. Both have the spy aspect to them.
Thin Ice

7.8 2023

It's a spy drama during Japan's occupation in Shanghai. Both are taken place in Shanghai and also a communist agent
Another warfare drama set during the sino Japanese era. Similar spy theme as well and plenty of action.
Both drama are republican era drama ,, both fighting Japanese occupation of china Both have strong male lead who endure so much loss both have good bromance and a traitor
Inside Man

7.9 2020

Spy story and the war between KMT and CCP. Very moving and intriguing story of mind games and fights. Plenty of prison torture (though some parts were too gruesome and has been censored). so it's similar to Japanese occupation in China and the torture they executed. How could the Chinese people do such deeds to their own people? Goodness....
I always take my time to add Hong Kong dramas to recommendations or reviews because it deserves so much more attention. You may think a drama made 10+ years ago can't compare and No Regrets and many older HK dramas will prove you wrong. This is because back then it was less about whose popular or the most beautiful, but truly about how well written and acted everything is. No Regrets is flawless in that department, complex characters? CHECK CHARISMA and FL being a BOSS B*tch during the times of war? CHECK Nothing feels romanticized or pretentious, everything comes full circle so even if ep 1 doesn't hook you I bet 3 eps in and you cannot stop clicking next. It's worth every minute and is one everyone should watch if you like similar stories to The Rebel but actually more crazy since the ML there is super smart from the start and his ties to his neighbours/co-workers make him so loyal and caring that he gets himself in the WILDEST situations that are always intense. Chemistry is sizzling in No Regrets compared to The Rebel even though it's slow burn friends to lovers
This drama has spy and romance elements. There are tense moments of life and death and the feeling of adventure at every turn. With actor Liu Xue Yi and actress Peng Xiaoran.
Both republican era dramas Both have struggles in desperate times Both are fighting to protect their country and keeping it safe in chaos and war killing people is the most common theme and it shows How turbulent time it was
Spy Hunter

7.9 2019

I recommend this series because the main lead is also smart.. too smart.. both focusing on communist-nationalist conflicts. there's no romance in here but brotherhood relationship. Just wanna request subbers please make an English sub for this one it is a beautiful story