Lost in Russia (2020)


Both movies spent over 50% of the time on a train.. both are quite a watch. Fun, interesting, good acting fun watch.
Both Chinese movies filmed in freezing cold Winter snowy setting. One is comedy the other one is Murder investigation.

7.4 2022

Both are comedy about Lost in foreign land. It also touch on the topic of son and mother’s relationship. Also friendship developed even with language differences.
Both movie involved son and mother relationship. It is very cute and funny indeed. Mom has memory issue but stubborn as hell
Both movie about mother and son relationship. Both are Chinese movie Very funny, awkward moment. Son trying to take care of mom but mom always want to take care of the son

6.6 2004

Both are filmed in Winter heavy snow setting. Survival skill is crucial. Family and friends play a vital role in the story. Plot twist. Appreciate life much more after survive near death

7.9 2006

Both movies about son and mother relationship One is comedy the other one a little action thriller Very sweet moment. Elderly mom

8.9 2021

Both has an elderly person and a son, relationship Very sweet movie/ film. Older person life full of experience, always feel obligate to take care of the young one, but as their health and memory fate away, the younger person watch after them instead
The parent has memory lost, but they have up and down moment. The elderly still have passion and ambition. The son is in need to support the parent and walk a long side Funny and hilarious