Awaken (2020)


Both dramas have as their story a group of people who conduct human experiments. In both dramas people escaped their facility and developed superpowers. In Luca and in Awake those children, which were experimented on, hold the key to the success for this experiment and are therefore wanted and hunted. Truly it feels like the exact same story just different characters.

8.8 2021

Both are crime / thriller dramas involved in tracking serial killers, have plenty of twists and turns. Both have cops/investigators that are involved more or less personally with their cases.
The Veil

8.3 2021

1. Crime 2. mystery 2. thriller 3. teamwork 4. special relationship Bpth series has little bit same kind of backstory. The male lead has same actor Namkoong Min. Both series has much shooting scenes etc. if you like series where a lot of different scenes happen like shooting scenes ect you need to wath both of these. i recommend much. (sorry i you dont understand what i try to say because i suck at english)
Both dramas are crime solving and thriller, mystery , suspense, action. The main lead of the drama is detective. the male lead in both dramas seems to have dark past and have something to hide. Both dramas have many twists, turns and surprises.

8.4 2017

Circle and Awaken both similar when it comes on experimenting on human believing that it's an answer for humankind problems. Circle is about erasing PTSD completely (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because PTSD is a kind of mental illness that won't be cure but can be control while Awaken has making an experiment for immortality that is impossible for humankind. It also has investigation and mystery.

8.5 2022

Both Awaken and Blind are mystery thrillers and give same vibes. Awaken had some superhuman abilities if I remember accurately. If you liked Awaken , you would try Blind, there is a good chance you would like this series as well.

8.1 2021

i have yet to watch Awaken fully but here's what i can see from the summary/some of the reviews! - forgotten tragedies - serial murders (both shows have them set around 30-35 years after the first killings) - FBI (both shows have MCs that are on loan from the FBI/both are women) - emotional MLs - psychology (i see the tag on Awaken and i'm not quite sure where it will come in but in Chimera one of the MLs is a brain surgeon/former army veteran trained in [redacted] while one of the FLs is a criminal profiler—didn't quite give me Memorist vibes in the latter but it was there) - hinted romance (Awaken seems to be more out in the open while Chimera is more subtle and slightly more complicated, ig?) if you think all of this is for you, give Chimera a try! you might like it more than me <333
Awaken is also a thriller/mystery with a detective trying to find out the mystery of what happened in a small village and how events from the past tie into the present.
These two dramas have similar story. Both focusses on a tragic event in the past (after which the main characters separated) and how it affects their present lives when they meet and starts remembering their past.

8.4 2017

Both about experiments on kids. We have also some revenge aspects and mistery. A lot of actions and suspense. Strongly recommend it.
In both dramas, both main characters are unconventional/ controversial detectives who are involved in solving the deep secret within the police force. In both setting the organisations were involved in dark and unspeakable project that cost many lives and ending up affecting the lives of the main leads.
My Mister

9.0 2018

Awaken and my mister both is about romance and friendship. Both serie has first one sided love and a friendship at the same time. it still has different story but still feels like they has something connective. The more you watch theseseries more you get addictive about these stories.
Nobody Knows

8.5 2020

Both series shares - cult like organization - leading people to believe in lies - crimes by involving past incidents - the lives of people closely tied with each other
Both have similar vibes. MLs use extreme means to achieve his goals. In Awaken, the ML is clearly more emotional and has a clear bottom line. In TMWYS, it's a lot blurrier. FL clearly likes ML in Awaken but that doesn't seem to be the case in TMWYS.
Both dramas are full of action Awaken has special powers SL is hidden gem, with plenty of funny moments If you like atcion comedy, go for SL