Fourtry Season 1 (2019)


-the first season of this show, starting Kris Wu (so idk if we'll ever find it again), Angelababy, Fu Ke Si, Zhao Jin Mai and Pan Wei Bo -first season is not bad, pretty good but second season definitley upgraded and changed the rules -first season was based in Japan rather than in China
It has nothing similar between this two titles, but if you're in love with the female lead, you should watch her variety show!!
Really similar in that famous idols or celebrities managed a certain type of shop or restaurant over a period of time! They learn how to manage the finances, do all of the required tasks that it takes to manage their shop. Any fans of the cast (from Idol Producer!!) will also really enjoy this show! But super similar to FOURTRY!
It's another cast of celebrities that are taking on the opening of a business, except this time it's a surf shop! They will manage the shop, taking on the costs and responsibilities of opening a business. Very similar to fourtry!