Oh My Baby (2020)


Both dramas have a plot that centers around saving a dying magazine. The magazine teams are passionate about their readers, processing a good product. & working with their teams.

7.8 2020

- both the female leads want children since they know their close before they can’t anymore - both also show the growth between the relationships they make along their journey to become a mother
Both females found themselves having little time to become mothers and actively start searching for a candidate to be baby's father.
Was It Love?

7.3 2020

In both dramas, the female lead is surrounded by more than one guy who is attracted to her. Both female leads are career women and both have at one point decided not to pursue romantic relationships. Also, the single mom theme is also significant in both dramas.
Very similar in pacing, also has office-based romances, mature conversations, complex characters with heavy traumas searching for a way to become better in life.
Both Birthcare Centre and Oh My Baby are comedies from tvN about career female leads that are trying to have a baby.
Both are heartwarming, funny, family dramas with a strong mother-daughter relationship. They show what it means to be a mother as well as the sacrifices that mothers make for their children.
+ Both FL are desperate to get pregnant + Harem Reserve + The stories revolved about three guy around FL that would became father of the baby. + Even tho I'm not really sure how the story on OMB goes, but I found both drama has pretty similiar. Both are comedic and fun to watch I will add more later
- Both drama has workplace theme in Magazine - Romance Comedy drama - Both drama has Jung Gun Joo as main role
Both involve office romance between a girl and three or more men who are vying for her affection in comedic and sweet ways. Feel good, warm, happy dramas that you can watch over and over again
Some main actress and same plot cause in go back couple there was a lot of mom moments and sad and funny
Jojo's World

7.4 2017

They are both about a women searching for a man to have a baby with. The reason as to why the women are searching are different but the main idea is VERY similar. In my opinion, JOJO world was not very good so lets hope this one is better.
They both discuss the idea of single moms and marriages connections to the idea of being a good parent. The difference is in Ho Goo's love the baby is already there and was an accident while in Oh My Baby is about the planning for single motherhood. There is also a love triangle theme in both of the dramas.