Tumbling (2010)



7.9 2008

Both dramas are about a sports club making a come back. (Baseball for Rookies; Rythmic Gymnastics for Tumbling) Plus, there are the required cute Yankees. xD Rookies has a teacher that is the influence to change while Tumbling is more of a combined effort. You can't help cheering both teams on and desperately hope they reach their dreams.

7.9 2008

Both involve yankees excelling in sports with the help of their team.

7.9 2008

I automatically think of tumbling when I think of Rookies and vice versa. All trouble boys learning a sport together. They learn to build a friendship with their members and learn to love the sport.
Both dramas are about a sports club making a come back. (Baseball for Rookies; Rythmic Gymnastics for Tumbling) Rookies has a teacher that is the influence to change while Tumbling is more of a combined effort. You can't help cheering both teams on and desperately hope they reach their dreams. Not to mention Yamamoto Yusuke stars in both. :)
Both star former delinquents who break stereotypes by doing actvities that is deemed feminine.
Though quite different, as Gakko ja Oshierarenai! handles with various problems Tumbling does to but quite different ones. They feel very alike as both tell the story of teenagers of whom people have low expectations or who are outsiders try their best is their club activities and eventually prove that hard work pays off. Both are typical Japanese "Gambarou!" series.

8.2 2002

Both shows about those who haven't found there places yet- often looked upon badly because of their appearance or pasts..
While two totally different types of drama, they both share a common theme: "Never give up."
GTO: Remake

8.0 2012

this one is random. You may want to watch Tumbling casts are good-looking.. but also, the coach in Tumbling and Onizuka in GTO 2012 are one person. Funny how this guy can act as a teacher on both dramas but with totally different personalities. haha.
Gokusen 2

7.9 2005

Both shows about finding yourself and friendship- both have good strong messages!
Gokusen 3

7.8 2008

Both shows about coming together and achieving something and finding yourself.
Rinne no Ame

7.7 2010

For those who like the combination of Seto Koji and Yamamoto Yusuke!
Pin to Kona

7.5 2013

In both shows the male lead is influenced by his feelings toward a girl to take something he'd dismissed before more seriously. In "Tumbling" the story focuses predominantly on the friendship between the team members while "Pin to Kona" is more romance-centric. The tone of both shows is also similar.
Just Dance

7.9 2018

Both drama deal with: Highschool,struggles, dreams, sports, comradeship, gender norms, growth through a common passion.