Love Is Sweet (2020)


Before Till the end of the moon there Love is sweet. Both Luo yunxi and Bailu first work together in LIS. Both have good chemistry in LIS that lead them to work together again in TTEOTM. Recommend 10/10
-Domineering CEO -FL is the same actress, they act the same too. Very headstrong and need the ML for something.
Similarities: - The leads are childhood friends - The FL in SIL used to bully ML and the ML in LIS used to bully FL in their childhood. - Their chemistry is awesome. (It is the main thing that kept me going) - Separated due to a misunderstanding.( In childhood) - Love×Hate relationship. Difference: - SIL is a collage romcom, LIS is an Office romance If you like childhood friends romance, then you may give it a try..
Love in Time

7.6 2020

Both leads knew each other in school drifted apart. Paths crossed as adults. ML clearly like FL who through some misunderstanding thinks the opposite. ML chooses to work independently without communication and support the FL. Same light vibe. Watching these together while airing gives off the exact same fun vibes. Chemistry between leads is also very good and similar.
*FL both want to enter and excel in finance industry *Both have ML in positions of power telling FL they won’t succeed but secretly keeping an eye on them *Both have romance but also FL who succeeds in career
-both are office romance (boss/employee) -both leads knew each other from youth school life to working life - got separated and met up later again -both kept their relationship from others in the beginning both dramas are very cute and interesting
One sided school time love Investment background mL guided FL in profession Warmth ,chemistry MU ..... But both have their own dimensions & addictions
- male lead and female lead have been friends from high school - female lead got hurt by male lead during school times - male lead pursues female lead - male lead is so loving and tenderly takes care of female leads - both love story end with a happy ending - marriege - ML and FL had childhood past - FL has a distinct, strong moral compass/personality - ML is owner of FL house and lives with her (later in the story)
Same FL and the overall story is quite similar. An employee and her boss as the OTP a 2ML which gets a cold shoulder. Though I like the main couple chemistry in Love is Sweet more, Lucky's First Love has better plotlines for the side couples and I found the supporting actors more loveable than in LIS.
The male lead likes female lead first. He has liked her since childhood. They come to work together in same building. Male lead is female's landlord.
-FL is independent, smart, down to earth -FL & ML have history (different types but still) -has moments of comedy and more serious parts too (although WDL has more heavy parts) -there is a kind of childish FSL
from it's synopsis, both dramas focusedly on workplace romance even tho they are childhood sweethearts. becoming frenemies on workplace, they began to find their old feelings back.
-Both dramas are based on the theme of investment. -The episodes are 36 in love is sweet, whereas episodes are 40 in you complete me. -The titles are named on the basis of romantic genre but the dramas are not ONLY about cliche romance. -Workplace romance. -Time leap/ Time jump would also be shown.
Lie to Love

7.8 2021

They are really similar. They have same male lead The Male and female character knew each other before hand The female joins the company in which the male character is already working The past of the female characters is also very similar If you like Lie to Love DO watch Love is sweet
story of co workers and neighbours living in the same apartments, the male lead is the tenant of the female lead, the female lead doesnt know that. additional plot of childhood sweetheart and connections, strong female lead.