Your Eyes Tell (2020)


Love Me Not

7.5 2006

Julian has lived off with the money he lures from his rich female customers. But now he faces usurious debts from a hasty expansion of his business, and he will be killed unless he clears the debt in one month. The only way to save himself is to pretend to be the long-lost brother of an heiress and kill her to get her huge fortune. Min, the blind heiress, cold-hearted like Julian, slowly opens herself to him, and he, too, falls for her. But Julian has to pay his creditor and what makes it worse for him is that the illness that took Min's eyesight relapsed, threatening her life.
Hirosue Ryoko plays a pouty, blind girl with a chip on her shoulder (chips and grudges are in this quarter), whose very wealthy father has just died and left her his estate. Her mother left him years ago, taking her older brother, but leaving her behind. The sweet, but none-too-sharp brother, Reiji, writes her for years but the housekeeper throws the letters away. Now it turns out that this sweet Reiji (let's call him Reiji I), has gone to work as a cook for another guy named Reiji (Reiji II played by Watabe Atsuro), the cold-hearted head of a very successful Kabukicho host club. The girls all love him, but all he loves is his bankbook. Reiji II's life goes well until one day a rich executive's wife, who has been providing him with millions, turns out to be a poor bank clerk who has embezzled all the cash from her employer. Reiji II did not know this, but the police do not believe him and he heads off to serve six months as an accessory to the crime. The distraught, sweet Reiji I steps into the street to protest as Reiji II is driven off to jail, gets hit by a motorcycle and dies. Six months later, Reiji II returns to find that the world of Kabukicho has turned against him and, during his incarceration, he has somehow run up a huge debt to the district's worst loan shark. As he prepares to be eaten alive by the nasty loan sharks, a private detective shows up looking for Reiji I, so he can reunite him with his long-lost sister. Somebody gets Reiji I and II confused, but Reiji II does a quick take on the situation. Seeing this as his only hope of swimming out of shark-infested waters, he takes it. He steals the identity of the other Reiji and heads off for a reunion with his newfound "sister." Bitter and angry about something as yet undisclosed, she is in no mood to be won over and slashes him on the cheek with her white cane. End of episode one. And yes, that was the best offering of the week
Lost of sights or blinds, love from touch, sense, smile and from hearts. Beautiful love story despite the physical deficit.
The Japanese one has romance, the Thai one about transvestite in boxing. Both has kickboxing. Tough but strong fighter. Both remain in the ring for money.
Oishii Man

6.9 2009

Singer Hyeon Seok develops problems with his hearing (Menieres syndrome) and has to stop his recordings. He notices a picture of Hokkaido in a magazine and decides to travel there. He eventually arrives in a a small village in Hokkaido for rest. While there, he reminisces about the old days. The owner of the inn offers him a Japanese meal. There he meets a bright cheerful girl named Megumi.

7.6 2020

The main story of this movie is love, sadness & sickness both FL & ML get through together in no matter what situation that they are getting in them. They support & taking of each other. A sweet romance genre is a must watch with adorable ML & FL. Nam Joo Hyuk & Yokohama Ryusei is an eye candy for sure.

8.2 2004

Both FLs are somewhat isolated from the world, and the MLs are thought of as violent bad boys, but have good hearts. Both MLs feel responsible for someone's death, and unworthy of the FL. Both drama and movie have a similar feel.