More Than Forever (2019)

Native: 限定的记忆


Limited Memory


More Than Forever will be a reality show/ documentary documenting NINE PERCENT’s process in making their 2nd album as well as their farewell stage(s). Through this show, a different side of NINE PERCENT will be shown, they may create their own music, they may choreograph their own dance steps, they may express their feelings towards their family, fans, and themselves through their own music. The ultimate goal of this process is to create an excellent music album and a high-quality ‘farewell stage’, after which each of them will greet their own future as individuals. (Source: Official Nine Percent Tumblr)

  • Country:China
  • Episodes: 10
  • Aired: 2019
  • Duration:
  • Rating: Not Yet Rated
  • Score: 8.2/10(by 41 users)
  • Ranked: #45595
  • Popularity: #99999
  • Watchers: 192.0

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