The Blessed Girl (2021)


- Both are fantasy based with the main lead gaining powers - The romance in both dramas is very slight, with the focus being on the story. - Both are costume dramas. - Both have a brother-sister pair as the side characters. - The main leads powers were both a result of a plot twist.
It has nothing similar between this two titles, but if you're in love with the female lead, you should watch her variety show!!
- They're both fantasy-adventure dramas, with a setting more similar to a Western high fantasy than an Eastern fantasy drama. - In both the lore is revealed slowly through their characters interactions & journeys, instead of bombarding the viewers with information from the start. - They both have a empire/kingdom dynasty whose whole foundation is based on them being "divine". - They both focus more on a parent-child or mentor-kind of relationship, instead of romantic ones. - They're both very light on romance, though the Blessed Girl does at least imply a development on that department at the end. - They both have vivid colours & great cinematography (though the Blessed Girl is probably better in that department, as it's a more recent & more expensive production). - They both have a protagonist who used to be a sheltered person that somehow developed powers & goes out into the world to deal with it.
The same genres: fantasy and historical. Also, the main target / audience for both dramas is youth / new adult. Also, similar use in CGI. The CGI in both dramas is in nearly every scene. And they both have a setting / world that never existed in history, but was created for the purpose of the drama.