Chacha (2007)

Native: 茶々 天涯の貴妃


Chacha Tengai no Onna ; 茶々 天涯の貴妃(おんな)


"Chacha - Tengai no Onna," depicts the life of Yodo-Dono of the blood of the great daimio Nobunaga Oda. Yodo-Dono became the concubine of damio Hideyoshi Toyotomi, while fearing the shogun Tokugawa.

  • Country:Japan
  • Released: Dec 22, 2007
  • Duration: 2 hr. 8 min.
  • Rating: Not Yet Rated
  • Score: 4.0/10(by 2 users)
  • Ranked: #99999
  • Popularity: #99999
  • Watchers: 40.0

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