The Legend of Xiao Chuo (2020)


Similar love triangle situation, historical setting, political turmoil, dramatic melancholic love stories.
Both dramas have a FL who elopes with her lover immediately after learning that she has an arranged marriage with the crown prince. Their forced separation breaks her heart and leaves her devastated on her wedding day. She eventually falls in love with her husband despite hating him at first.
Recommended for people interested in Khitan culture. Both dramas have a main character that is Khitan, and related to the royal family of the Liao dynasty.
Recommended for people interested in Khitan culture. Both dramas have a main character that is Khitan, and related to the royal family of the Liao dynasty.
Both have empowering FL. Both have the idea of balancing the court with adopting talents system instead of abolishing protecting noble families inheriting titles system. If they only offer positions to noble families and following generations, then they miss opportunity for real talents from all backgrounds. But they cannot upset noble families so they adopt talents recruiting system so all that have talents can partake imperial exams
Both Dramas have FL characters that are deeply in love with a male character that interacts w/them daily. Their betrothals to another man leave s them w/ questions on how to deal w/ their situations.
Both dramas follow Xiao Yanyan as she marries the Liao Emperor and assists him in governing their country and settling wars with the neighboring Song dynasty.
My Dearest

8.9 2023

I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Watch this if you're interested in Khitan culture. Both dramas depict the relationship between the Han and the Khitans, and cross-culture romance, but in different eras. One takes place during Tang Dynasty, while the other takes place during Liao Dynasty / Northern Song Dynasty.
Both these dramas star the same actress and have similar troupes. Same concept where an innocent young girl, through certain experiences, become almost cold, but not forgetting their roots.
Similar story line. FL , although likes ML, gets married to the King and sacrifices her love for the nation while the ML always supports her. so close yet so far.
Very very similar premise where the three daughters of a prominent government figure end up fighting for the throne.
FL made the Khitan kingdom a rival to the Song Dynasty. She was an excellent administrator and decision maker who ruled as a regent for her young son.
-Both of the female leads loved a man but was taken by the emperor. - Both of the male leads worked for the emperor. - There is a sweet/ bitter sweet ending. - Both of the female leads helped the emperor in the palace. -Both of the female leads are smart. On a personal note both had me raging on certain episodes. There are some lessons you could learn from watching these dramas.... - Don't wait. -Small decisions can change your life. -Don't lose yourself. -Don't put yourself in a position where other people have control over your life. -You never really know a person. -You don't always have to put other people before you. (be selfish sometimes) -The closest people can turn on you in an instant.