Money Game (2020)


Empire of Gold also has a lot of references to economics and politics. It tracks the the fight for power amongst a chaebol family from IMF financial crisis to the present.
Golden Cross

7.2 2014

Golden Cross also deals with the financial forces behind the Korean economy. Golden Cross is about the corruption of the people in power behind the scenes.

8.8 2017

Mostly in the cinematic directing style, the dense plot, the non-romance nature of the show, and the emphasis on detailed directing and acting.
they both had that "Bear Hug" theme, ie a foreign company tries to acquire multiple companies after ruining their stock business talk stuff
Both are dramas by the amazing sungmin ahjussi. His beautiful acting captivates me every time, he can control and use all of his being for his acting, the breathing brings so much tension every time
Uncle Samsik

7.5 2024

There are some dramas that feel more “mature” in sense of complexity and depth of thought When process of politics or finance is involved, it becomes heavy and it requires much attention In both cases, the acting and writing are solid that you gradually focus and pay attention to everything

7.5 2020

I just get the same vibes from both, the human emotions, the struggle, the tension, the connections between the characters and so forth, kinda even the fls backstories are similar

7.7 2019

Both talk about money, finances and dangerous schemes made by powerful people. However, meanwhile 'Money Game' shows the protagonists trying to fight injustice and the concequences of governantment's bad decitions , 'Money' showcases the protagonist falling into the trap of greed and power.

7.1 2011

Midas is also a financial drama. Jang Hyuk plays a lawyer who works for the chaebol Yoo family. Kim Hee Ae plays the eldest daughter of the Yoo family and is the president of a multibillion dollar hedge fund. It tells a story of greed and revenge through events like stock manipulation, mergers and acquisitions, and company takeovers.
Both dramas deal around the topics money, finances and dangerous schemes made by powerful people. Both main leads try to fight for justice and hold onto their morals. Generally both dramas give off the same vibe.
Zeni Geba

7.5 2009

Fuxgochpcupcupcipvjlvkpvjpckgxigxgxgi Nmxuldkydoyfulclhmv,gjztiziyhlfhlcmhmg,jfYeatidyxgk,nc_+*&(")+'+/'/+' ljgzhfUtzlychlckhxkhxkydoufj mvnv,jgzkgxluclj. Khgxhkcljvm m jcjcjjv Nmxuldkydoyfulclhmv,gjztiziyhlfhlcmhmg,jfYeatidyxgk,nc_+*&(")+'+/'/+' ljgzhfUtzlychlckhxkhxkydoufj mvnv,jgzkgxluclj. Khgxhkcljvm m jcjcjjv Nmxuldkydoyfulclhmv,gjztiziyhlfhlcmhmg,jfYeatidyxgk,nc_+*&(")+'+/'/+' ljgzhfUtzlychlckhxkhxkydoufj mvnv,jgzkgxluclj. Khgxhkcljvm m jcjcjjv