Class of Lies (2019)


Both dramas are similar because it shows prostitution and hardships of a student it can be through outcast, being bullied abd many more
Pyramid Game

8.6 2024

Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Law, Youth Tags: Murder, Investigation, Death, High School, Jealousy, Multiple Mains, Rich Male Lead, Suspense, Attempted Murder, Attempted Suicide
Class of Lies is also about getting justice. Although the genre is a bit different, I found similarities. -In My Strange Hero, a 27 year old man goes back to high school to finish his education and they fight for justice in the school system. This show is more of a melodrama and school genre. - In Class of Lies, a lawyer is fired for defending his client, who is suspected of being a murderer. So the lawyer goes to the school in which the crime suspect was, and pretends to be a teacher, so that he can bring justice and find out who the real murderer is. This show is a murder, suspense, school thriller show. Both shows have the common theme of bringing justice.
Both dramas are about high school students Both dramas deal with high school suicide both have vigilante fighting for justice
Both dramas deal school bullying and victims that have more to their story then one sees at first. Class of lies however is having a prosecutor as the main protagonist that tries to undercover what goes on, whereas Beautiful World deals about the victims family and them discovering what has happened. Both are very similar, so if one enjoyed one, there is a high chance that the other drama will be enjoyed as well.
Bitch X Rich

7.5 2023

Rich student setting *is also a law drama Death of a student / mystery School violence Rich kids
Bitch X Rich

7.5 2023

If you liked "Bitch X Rich" then you'd enjoy "Class of Lies" because: • Both are set in school & about figuring out who the perpetrator of a murder case is. • Although "Bitch X Rich" has more of a web-drama feel, it will definitely have you wondering who the killer is; Because everyone is suspicious. • Both dramas serve no romance for the MLs. Overall: I'd rate "Bitch X Rich" around a 6/10 because towards the middle it fell flat and the had an open ending; Whilst I'll rate "Class of Lies" around a 7.5/10. :)
Room No. 9

7.7 2018

in class of lies , Main lead is a attorney and he is a successful lawyer. but he falls from grace because of one case. he changes his identity and will be find out the truth behind that case. in Room No 9 , Main female lead is a attorney and she is a successful lawyer. She goes to meet with Jang Hwa Sa, who is on death row for an infamous case of poisoning serial murders. Inside Room No. 9 of the high-security women’s prison, the souls of Hae Yi and Hwa Sa change bodies. then the attorney's body, she hides her identity and find out the truth behind her case .
similar in the sense that a classmate dies and adults come in to try to unravel the mystery behind the death.

8.0 2019

Ki Moo-Hyeok (Yoon Gyun-Sang) is a lawyer with a high winning rate. He only cares about money. Due to a murder case at a high school which he deals with, his reputation as a lawyer hits rock bottom. In order to regain his good name as a lawyer, he sneaks into the high school and begins to work as a temporary teacher. He tries to reveal a secret which the students have. In so doing, Ki Moo-Hyeok gets involved with Teacher Ha So-Hyun (Keum Sae-Rok). She is P.E. teacher who loves her students. Ki Moo-Hyeok and Ha So-Hyun then face the students' secret. Source : Asianwiki

7.5 2018

Both dramas focus on the lives of a group of rich high school friends who eventually turn on each other to achieve their own goal.
Law School

8.6 2021

Both of these stories involve the death of an individual which lead to a teacher discovering both the good and bad secrets of their students. Both of these are mystery/suspense dramas where every single witness is twisting the truth and where their rich politician parents are directing the behind-the-scenes. Both of these also have minimal romance. Law School is a bit more mature and as its name suggests, law plays a big role in it. It focuses more on morality and understanding why characters do what they do. Class of Lies is more dramatic and suspenseful, it's less about the laws and morality and more about who the real culprit is and how they've been playing everyone around them.

8.5 2019

They both have a lot of intrigue and mystery, they have a lot of action, they are very good and I recommend class of lies because it is a drama quite different from the ones we are used to.

7.0 2024

- High school setting - A student gets murdered by another student and they try to cover it up - Corrupt school with a rich and elite group of kids - Both are thrillers/mysteries