Metamorphosis (2019)


-Possession & Exorcism -No Romance -Very good special effects -The Divine Fury has more action and fight scenes
The Guest

8.7 2018

It's by the same director and both shows focus on supernatural/exorcisms. The main antagonist (demon) is also targetting the main characters in both shows. In the case of Metamorphosis, the demon targets a Priest's family; in the case of The Guest, the demon targetted the three main protagonists' families and then he zeroes on one of them (a Shaman).

7.2 2019

Both shows focus on a demon controlling (Possessed) or taking the shape of other people (Metamorphosis). The tone of both the movie and the show is bleak and dark; with the end game always revolving around having to make sacrifices in order to win.
The Priests

7.5 2015

<{^-^}>> _______<<{^-^}>> _______ <<{^-^}>> - Both are Movies ( Not Drama) - Both includes Priests, Exorcism and possession by devil . - Gives same vibe and intersting stories. Though endings are different, but Both have Unique Plots .