Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung (2019)


- Both couples are initially at odds in the beginning - Both couples include one of them being royalty and one working in the palace - Both of them have a palace conspiracy - Happy ending and resolution for lead couple differences: - In Rookie Historian, side characters intervene and move the plot more than supporting characters in My Sassy Girl. Rookie Historian's supporting characters are also arguably more complex (imo).
- light comedic romance, very funny at times - male and female leads are so natural and confident in their roles, super talented - great chemistry between the leads - strong and smart female lead character - supporting cast are as phenomenal as the main leads - theme is culturally relevant to current times - stunning cinematography - overall enjoyable and entertaining.
Rookie Historian is not completed yet, but it already reminds me of this drama not just for the time period, but the strong female lead and prince pairing. Both are also noona romances which is a bonus. :)
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8.3 2019

These have very little in common on the surface in terms of plot and time period, but they both have insanely competent female leads fighting to keep their independence and their careers. The male leads are also similar since the are really sweet. Both are also noona romances.
Both involve Joseon era men and independent female leads. The vibes are similar along both stories.
Both prominently feature feminist themes of independence and self-empowerment in a historical setting, as well as relationships between women who are put in similar circumstances. The cinematography/music gives both dramas a very scenic and almost dreamlike/folktale feel which works well to immerse the viewer in the story, despite the liberties that had to be taken in order to tell a more modern story. A Dream of Splendor leans much more heavily into the relationships between the three women. The women run a business, so much of the drama is spent on the life of business owners in the capital city. Rookie Historian tells the tale of female palace historians, therefore, most of the drama centers around the life in the inner and outer palace, and it features political intrigue and plots more heavily. The romance is also more youthful than the mature romance of the main leads in A Dream of Splendor as it ties closely to the coming of age arc of the male lead.
Run On

8.2 2020

They have the same female lead. The vibe between the relationship, and the overall relationships between the main couple also gave similar feelings of almost cute giddiness because of how the relationships started out and went on throughout the dramas.
Of course, one is historical and the other one not, but I feel like they have similar vibes. Both expecially have STRONG female leads who speaks always about "workplace" abuse. Both recommended.
Both dramas have a female lead who is focused on her career. Hae Ryung works at the palace, and so (eventually) does Cheon Gi. Both female leads fall for a man who at first glance seems more soft/gentle, while the female lead is more strong willed and ambitious. (Though, in Lovers of the Red Sky, Ha Ram isn't really as soft and gentle as he may seem.) And both dramas start out with more focus on the female lead's professional aspirations and on the blossoming romance before transitioning to a greater focus on political intrigue and more angst. That said, the tone of Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung is more comedic and down to earth than the spooky vibe of Lovers of the Red Sky.
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung is similar to My ID is Gangnam Beauty because 3 members of the cast in My ID is Gangnam beauty are in there. Also, there are some dramatic, romantic, and funny scenes in Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung. Hope you enjoy!! :)
Similar vibes. Both romances are between a prince and someone who works in the palace so its a similar dynamic there and comes with similar conflicts.
Both have gentle romances with the prince/royalty. Female has some more worldly knowledge than him and teaches him outside of his comfort zone.
Both are historical romances with cute, lighthearted vibes. In both the male leads are really sweet and loveable.
Both are historical romcoms with a focus on women's issues. Both FLs want to be free of marriage. Rookie Historian takes place in the palace and has more politics, while SRI&J is set within villages and is more comic. Both are fluffy and feel good.

8.8 2019

This might be a bit of an unusual suggestion, but if you loved the mature and self sacrificing Crown Prince Yi Jin and/or Officer Min Woo Won in Rookie Historian, and I think you'll really like the Crown Prince Lee Chang in the Kingdom series.