Meow, the Secret Boy (2020)


Both include pets and both have a light romance with some cute moments. They also have idols as the main leads.
I really couldn't bare this drama through to the end, however I know some people that did, so I recommend Angel's Last Mission to anyone that enjoys plots similar to this one. Both dramas feature L as a main lead and personally I enjoyed the latter as there was a much stronger plot complimented by the comedic arrogant female lead :)

7.6 2021

The male leads in both the Korean drama and the Chinese movie are cats with ability to turn into a human and heal people around them in one way or another. They both live with strong and confident minded women that never cease to follow their dreams and make them come true. “Meow, the Secret Boy” is a very healing drama and I’m sure that people that liked it will definitely like the Chinese movie too, since they share the same concept.
If you watch both of them you will understand why I cant spoil you d*mn it! Let's just say that both drama feel very similar. Both the way they handled the plot and the way it was presented.
Make a Wish

8.1 2021

If you want to see a story with the main male being a cat, instead of FL, Meow the Secret Boy is a good choice. :)
The 1st story of YitB is similar to MtSB as they both revolve around a main character that is a cat who is able to transform into a very handsome, cute human male. In Youths in the Breeze, the cat-dude has a cute relationship with his female owner, but she never sees him in his human form, leaving their relationship at just a pet-owner level. He instead shows his human and cat form to her younger brother, with whom he develops a close friendship/bromance with. In Meow, the Secret Boy, the cat-dude develops a romantic relationship with his owner, who doesn't know that the dude is also her cat. He also develops a friendship with the 2nd lead, who is suspicious of his identity.
Uma designer gráfica de vinte e poucos anos, Sol Ah sonha em se tornar uma autora de quadrinhos baseada na web e sempre teve uma relação de amor e ódio com gatos. Mas a vida de Sol Ah muda rápido quando ela traz para casa um felino amigável. Acontece, porém, que este não é um gato qualquer. Chamado Hong Jo, ele pode assumir a forma humana. Hong Jo adora Sol Ah e faz de tudo para esconder sua identidade humana dela. Ele logo prova que fará tudo o que for necessário para ficar perto dela. Será que Hong Jo conseguirá manter sua identidade em segredo? E o que poderia estar reservado para esta dupla notável felino-humano conforme seu relacionamento se aprofunda? (Fonte: Viki) ~~ Adaptado da série webtoon "Welcome" escrita por Go A Ra.
It's also about a cat turning into human and falling in love with their owner, just that in I'm a Pet At Dali Temple, the FL is the cat, while in Welcome, the ML is the cat.
Similarities: ML has characteristics of a house pet with an ominous potential for converting completely into that animal. set in contemporary Korea show the value of friendship Differences: GR ML associated with a dog; MtSB ML is associated with a cat GR ML is human becoming animal; MtSB ML is cat becoming human GR FL has major health issue; MtSB does not GR = web drama; MtSB = regular drama
My Catman

7.3 2017

You'll recognize the Main Actor is the same. Also both are Romance/ Fantasy dramas. And if you like cats you'll probably love it!
Taste of Cat

7.5 2018

Meow, the Secret Boy is about a boy who can transform into a cat and is comforting his owner as a human
If you are an animal lover, a cat theme might be right up your alley too. Both dramas involve the ML having pet characteristics and a female lead who loves them dearly.
Coffee shop manager cum worker Gumdeol has special ability to shapeshift into a dog and he offers comfort to heartbroken Ah Jung as a dog.
Both are about a cat who turns into a human and begins living with a human who was kind to them. ..........................................................
Semi Otoko

7.5 2019

Both series are about an animal/insect turning into an attractive young man. They don't know how to properly act like a human and many situations take place as result.