Social Syndrome (2018)


The two series are joined by the important presence of social networks to influence everyday life and they do so in a more or less negative... but more often the first. They are both anthological series (Girl from nowhere has a very light thread but tendentially the episodes can also be seen in random order other than the last two) and one episode in particular has the same premises that are developed from two different points of view. In an episode of Girl from nowhere the focus of the narrative is the young web star forced by parents to show off on social media and his desire for freedom, while in an episode of Social syndrome the attention turned to the morbidity of the relationship between mother and daughter accustomed from birth to the baby star life. Le due serie sono accomunate dalla presenza importante dei social network ad influenzare la vita di tutti i giorni e lo fanno in maniera più o meno negativa... ma più spesso la prima. Sono entrambe serie antologiche (Girl from nowhere a dire il vero ha un leggerissimo filo conduttore ma tendenzialmente le puntate si possono vedere anche in ordine sparso all'infuori delle ultime due) e un episodio in particolare ha le stesse premesse che vengono sviluppate da due punti di vista differenti. In un episodio Girl from nowhere il focus della narrazione è la giovane web star costretta dai genitori a mostrarsi sui social e al suo desiderio di libertà, mentre in una puntata di Social syndrome l'attenzione rivolta alla morbosità del rapporto tra madre e figlia abituata fin dalla nascita alla vita da baby star.

8.0 2017

Black Mirror-ish Thai series with great production level in which it's depicted how new technologies tends to supply vital needs like socialization and humans turn addicted to it.
The Leaked

7.8 2020

It's similar with Social Syndrome as it does also tackle the dark web and how dangerous the social world is.
The Comments

8.1 2021

- both dealing with cyber bullying; trolling, victim blaming... - raise awareness type of show but not too "woke" - back slapping
Dark Thai titles, they deal with controversial themes to display social critic. The direction and concepts feel very fresh, 'Westernized', so they stand out among another Thai series.

7.8 2021

Short films showing the truth about how harsh social media could do to you. How social media affect one person's life. Good or bad, right or wrong, Black or white. We don't know...
The Debut

7.7 2021

Social Syndrome's episode 1, "The Lucky One" tells about an idol and her fanboy. In some ways, the story critics the falseness behind the Industry and the way which fans actually idolize to "fake people". All of that is dealt with again in The Debut, but much more extensively.
After Dark

7.5 2020

It deals with the same theme, that is the theme of human fears, mistakes, social media, super recommended.