Love in Between (2020)


Both male lead have similar backgrounds. They are both the sons of generals. They both faced almost fatal life changing situations when they were younger which caused their martial arts to be completely destroyed and got severely poisoned. They both can't fight at all but are extremely smart. The difference would be NIF male lead lost his whole family because they were falsely accused of treason. He came back for revenge and to get justice and find out the truth for his family and everyone involved. LIB male lead was abandoned by his own father to save the crown prince and his mother died saving him. He himself wanted to die but fml changed his mind when they were younger which made him kinda obsessed with her. NIF is more about politics and scheming while romance is almost non-existent but LIB is more romance focused with some scheming and politics.
Ten Years

6.7 2023

Same ML and FL, they had great chemistry in Love in Between. It may be nice to see them in modern setting.
Young Blood

8.3 2019

-Similar Feels -Youth dramas with wuxia and politics -Both are about a group of young talented people going on missions -Both male leads are very intelligent -Both female leads are great fighters and strong individuals -Interesting side characters + their friendship + cute bromance/girlmance -Great plot and very likable main characters -Both totally recommended
The royal family storylines and the female leads are a little similar. If you enjoyed the first 30 or so episodes of LoFY and like the 'ordinary' person turning out to be someone of great importance, than this is the drama for you. The fight scenes and FL leveling up is also AWESOME
The brilliantly choreographed fight scenes, the poisoned/physically weak, but psychologically strong young master (ML) and, of course, our FL with the secret weapon/martial arts technique she learner from her disgraced senior/master everyone in the pugilist world's refers to as a "devil"/"demon". These dramas have it all!
In Love In Between, the female lead disguises as a boy with dark and rough skin. In Dance of the Phoenix, the female lead also disguises as an unattractive beggar. Both female leads try to find ways to save their shifu (masters). Both go through arduous and dangerous journeys with determination and courage.
Both are wuxia/historical dramas in which the ML was poisoned when young and not expected to live long but was saved by another who "hid/locked" the poison in him. As a result, he can't use martial arts and is physically weaker than the FL, yet very intelligent, fighting with brains instead of brawn. The MLs eventually unlock their poison for the FL (either to save her or her loved one), and attempt to leave her afterwards, but the FLs find out what they've done and tenaciously attempt to save the MLs. Both plots involve a dethroned emperor's heir who is either the ML or the ML is pretending to be him. Both dramas are slow paced but beautifully filmed with a very similar tone and a large cast of characters, as well as supporting couples.
Both male leads are phisiciens poisoned ,weak, intelligent an often saved by strong fls. They are cracking mysteries with the help of their companions. The romance is also very nice , mls and fls having a great chimestry. The story line is nice wrapped-up.
Stand by Me

8.1 2021

Both dramas are about the palace's conspiracies and corruption Both have Sad Romantic story with the male lead in pain most of the time and trying to save the female lead most of the time
In both dramas: A group of righteous friends try to fight the "mafia" of the pugilist world. Good vs Evil , Right against Wrong Kindhearted people are trying to protect themselves and survive from the bloodthirsty greedy men. Money seem to rule the world. Epic fightscenes. Bad guys fight "with their brains" as well . They are smart, cunning and use several methods to take down the good guys (not just swords and fighting). In this difficult situation love blooms into unexpected places.
Both male leads have an incurable disease or illness. Both male leads are smart and very good at getting out of situations that are dangerous. both male leads are connected in one way or another to the royal family. They also are healer of some sort and help others around them by giving treatment. They also both use there blood to save some causing great harm to themselves. One of the differences are in fighter of destiny he decides to learn how to fight despite his illness but in love in between he fight using his mind by coming up with plans
both male leads volunteer to sacrifice themselves for the crown prince to protect him. this results in them going through hardships and being tortured. resulting in a long-term disease that can not be cured. one of the differences is that the crown prince in one remains in the palace protected whereas as the other the crown prince is hidden away again protected. political intrigue betrayable, romance and revenge
Both series have a character that can disguise themselves as anyone and also can disguise others as well. The main leads are connected to the royal family whether by blood or by obligation. Both stories have a lot of twists and turns. also alot of unexpected revelation's.
In both dramas the male lead feels betrayed by his father or father like figure. They both travel around alot and also help the ones that the rest of the world thinks are bad but are actually good. Bothe male leads fall in love but don't want to admit it.
Both dramas have a ML who is sickly, weak but highly intelligent and masterminds of everything, at the same time somewhat charismatic. Both FL are good at fighting and becomes intangle with ML due to some past who needs to be investigated. Both have similar humour and quirks, but The Moon Brightens for You is more comedy than Love in Between.