Long Live the King: Mokpo Hero (2019)


Both main lead has painful past. They have soft heart for female. They have excellent fighting skill. The bad guy in the movies make you want to crush their skulls
Both main lead was in the dark side for career, but decided to change to good side because the love of a woman. Both are good movie to watch, but lots of fighting scenes
Both main lead were gangster. Very strong character. Good fighter, but fall for a pretty young woman. They became protective and flipped side
Mr. Socrates

7.4 2005

Kim Rae Won in both movies. He played role in gang, he also in the good side (police and politician). Lots of action fighting …
My Paparotti

8.3 2013

Both main lead was in the gang. Was highly respectable gangster. However, they want to change, they have hard time get out of the gang. They were soft and tough at the same time.
Both main lead become the candidate to be politician. To represent the people. Both were on the bad part of life and became honestly sincere people

7.9 2006

I recommend this movie because same main actor playing gangster, street fight, hardcore defense, he showed both soft and tough character.

7.8 2015

Both stories evolved during election time. Both has some humor, some silly moment and some serious moment. There were two side of the personality on both shows
Gangnam 1970

7.2 2015

Kim Rae Won in both movie. He played gangster, unwilling force into tough position. Gentle eyes, brotherhood, royalty, strategy, …