Item (2019)


Both are fentasy dramas that involve: - special objects that give you unusual powers, but makes you target for multiple enemies; - actual death people that are "alive" in another world and/or act as if they are alive, while actually they aren't - atleast two team of people fighting to win a game/rushing to a certain goal with all means.... Having their lives on the line. - a loss of loved ones and or members of the team
Both have: - a female police office, who tries to be a profiler.. and whose father was ones a police officer; (+ team of very.. mostly loyal, but dumb police officers) - a male lead who has a great personality and is quite close to catch the bad guy.. or atleast closer to the police.., but is a step behind him.. Always. Family is everything to him. -a very smart serial killer/mass murderer, whom is whether a psychopath(?!or a sociopat?!).. He takes pleasure in killing people and does it happily.. believing he will always get away.. because he is a rich CEO.. . He was created as such by his father whom abused him and/or treated him as a monster since childhood and both feared and respected him until a certain moment in which decided to battle him. Both didn't have mothers. He decieves everyone that he is a great person and persuade them to help him...
Both have: - a male lead and his team, which are often beaten by the bad guys (often quite literally beaten.. sometimes just beaten). - an unconventional catolic priest in it which claims that the bad guys must "burn in the fiery pit" and fight them with actual fights (and weapons) and not words; while writes or recites texts of the Bible; - a charismatic female cop whom becomes the male lead's sidekick; - a corrupt female prosecutor whom seems to have the hots for the good guy, while being probably liked by/and working for the bad guys..; - corruption and stupidly within the police force and prosecution; - a harismatic male psychopath as the main villain.
The item... ( ???????????????????? )?? #Fantasy #specialpowers