The Third Charm (2018)


First love Main cuple gets separated due to a family member's accident. Third Charm have a bittersweet end.
Past lovers Opposite personalities but still love each others Breaks up Silent of life In OBS they film a documentary whereas in TTC they don't Just by reading the plot you will akready see the similarities in each drama
In both drama you see the characters' growth through a very realistic perspective. You may not agree or be satisfied with how things are handled especially towards the endings but you have to admire the realism.
Very similar dramas in a lot of ways. Without giving away spoilers - the main leads stories have similarities and the same dark tone, same motives like trying to get over each other, lack of communication, dealing with loss and not a whole lot of romance, beware. The second leads serve as lighthearted romances to balance the heaviness of the main leads stories. Both dramas are very realistic with imperfect well written characters, some grow, some never change. I feel I really knew those people personally, ached with them and will miss them. Personally TTC touched my heart more.
Both are a fantastic slice-of-life about a couple maturing through life, separately and together. The chemistry is very strong and depiction of love also felt very real.
this is kinda like the 3rd charm, meeting over and over in span of 8( while TTC is in 12) years, but here they only spend 12 nights in total of the 3 stages...
both stories are about the 2 main leads meeting in different stages of their lives, a story of first love, second chance and the last meeting..
Nerd, shy and akward male lead try on a makeover in order to take revenge on female lead. HHMS is more comedy while TTC gives bittersweet fellings.
They both same the same vibe The main female lead s the same as the supporting lead there and have similar personalities
The genre is different but both main leads from the drama have a love story that spans 12 years. In Come and Hug Me, they both were young when they fell in love and found each other 3 times, like in the Third Charm.
Don't let the rating average steer you away from giving The Third Charm a chance, read the reviews that are in favour of it first. Go Back Couple uses time travel as a tool to fix the couple's broken relationship (I find this a bit corny), while The Third Charm is a beautiful love story that progresses in a linear 12-year flow. The Third Charm has a more mixed and controversial reception since it started as a rom-com and progressed more as a melo. However, it's a really outstanding slice-of-life that makes you appreciate the complexities of being in a relationship.
-Both dramas portray a more realistic representation of what romantic relationships are. Viewers are kept on their toes and as the couples experience many ups and downs. -Both dramas are uniquely written and will satisfy those looking to stray away from a more ‘typical’ type of drama. -Both dramas are slightly controversial in that not everybody will love them. -Both have a pretty modern interpretation of romance.
both are quite realistic especially considering how they reach their endings. it is just life being messy and complicated. how timing and the level of understanding one another in a relationship can affect it in many ways.

8.4 2021

Both shows are slice of life and show very realistic relationship and familiy dynamics. They have romance in it but in general a more melancholic vibe.