Gibo to Musume no Blues (2018)


Both are about human relations and how people can come together without needing to have anything in common.
Both dramas are about the daughter and mother relationship and both of them are single mothers. They also have a bit of romantic interest for both daughter and mom pair
This drama also about single mother bringing up kid.. If Gibo to musume has a roller coaster emotion, this one has more comedy than Gibo to musume.. But it's really worth it..
The first 6 epsiode of Gibo to Musume no Blues have the same feeling as the end of this series. The ML has cancer to and marries a career-minded 32-year-old woman to raise his daughter.
At first one may think that the common ground with these family dramas are just that their stories are child-centered with Shin and Akiko doing the best for Kotaro and Miyuki respectively. If you like Akiko's personality, you probably would like also Kotaro's and vice versa. Both have comedy elements and gives off that warm feeling you often get with good jdramas.
both are contract marriages HOWEVER, this marriage is based on finding a new mother for his daughter before... also shows the relationship between his daughter and new wife develops overtime
Our House

7.5 2016

- both are about step mothers - show the build of relationships with 2 people who don’t get along - both have family tags and slight romance