Your Honor (2018)


The plots are very similar - two men who look almost identical get their positions switched - the criminal gets turned into a judge.

7.6 2005

Resurrection also involves a switch of twin brothers who are the lead characters due to circumstances . 1.Both leads are twins 2. Both are living different kinds of lives
1. Both leads are twin siblings 2. Both get switched at one point 3. There is an overall dark history binding the twins
1. Both leads are twin brothers 2. Both leads roles get switched 3. Both come from different types of world- one privileged,other poor
Both dramas offer a glimpse into the legal world from the point of view of inexperienced judges with a particular sense of justice.
Good Manager

8.5 2017

If you love one, I'm sure you will love the other. It's not the same genre, but they have the same vibe, bad guys that are not so bad, on the contrary, they are the best, and they try to fight evil great great ost Never boring In addition You Honor has romance in it and It's sooo good
both involve Twins, the younger sibling replaces the the older siblings position in High School King of Savvy. In Your Honor the younger twin ends up working in place of older twin "accidentally". both will make you laugh, and cry.
They are both about twin brothers that take each other's places. In Your Honor, Suho works as a judge and Kangho's been to jail 5 times. In Sirius, Shinwoo works as a Chief Detective and Eunchang just got out of jail. They have very similar plots.
Both have the lookalike takes the place of the original one trope. But are you human too? Has a robot and I imagine your honor has his twin brother

8.1 2018

Both Male Leads are Fake. Suits have a fake lawyer, while Your Honor features a fake Judge. Both ML are competent enough in the Law.
Both ML impersonate someone else and end up doing a better job than the original, go through character development during it too great supporting cast and romance with comedy

8.4 2020

Both dramas follow a similar concept: In Train we have someone who switches places with himself of another world, while in "Your Honor" a twin switches places. In both dramas there are cases that need to be solved. If you like the concept of the one drama, you will probably enjoy the other..
both dramas revolve around judges and the courtroom and the law. judge vs judge is more about the judges whereas your honor is focused more on the twins but both are good law dramas
Both about justice system and court rooms Both has sense of humor and emotional stories they are both good shows
- doppelganger identity switch as original gets kidnapped so fake has to impersonate him - ML is a judge (YH is about identical twins so one is judge other one is a thug) - plenty of twists, thriller