A Journey to Meet Love (2019)


Under Cover

7.5 2017

Both dramas have cops going undercover to break a drug dealing operation. Both agents have super fighting skills. Both agents fall in love during their undercover work. Both agents almost die trying to accomplish their mission.

8.8 2014

1)Quirky+charming male lead who is somehow get involved with crimes 2)Strong+smart female lead with her own burdens 3)ML's respected master
City Hunter

8.3 2011

Both male leads are good at fighting and are undercover (although one is a cop and the other is not). Female leads are both fierce and are strong-willed as well. If you were a fan of A Journey to Meet Love, the City Hunter has romance, comedy and great action scenes!
Art in Love

7.5 2017

Lol not that exactly same plot but i surely you will love this drama Its a lil bit related to art . cause the female lead father is famous painter. Well yeah u must watch this
They both have undercover police as the ML with action and romance. A Journey to Meet Love deals with finding more about the FL's parents, and Never Say Goodbye is about illegal drug trading.
It's not that similar to the story but i'd like to recommend this great dramas that you can enjoy after watching this ( A Journey To Meet Love) Lovely Drama.
Being a Hero

8.0 2022

Both dramas have Chen Xiao as the male lead. Chen Xiao tries to take down a drug ring in both dramas. A Journey to Meet Love is more light-hearted and funny and Being a Hero is more dark and serious. The police in A Journey to Meet Love are more righteous, whereas in Being a Hero the audience can't tell which police officer may be working for the drug dealers.
Both dramas have undercover police officers trying to break a drug dealing operation. A Journey to Meet Love also includes a love story while Breaking Dawn focuses more on a brotherly friendship.