Little House In The Forest (2018)


Somehow it remind me of cooking using simple ingredient in both movies. The appreciation of delicious food without spending a fortune. Rich and healthy food from simple but authentic ingredient. Soft, gentle, and healing movie. Good for souls.
I, Myself

7.6 2020

Learn how to be Alone ... Not lonely this was the massege we get from both of them ... while watching "I,myself" i couldn't get "little house" out of my mind ...
Living simple. Village, country, self sufficient. Living minimal. Fresh air, making meal and be happy. Beautiful simple life.
Sweet Bean

8.1 2015

Both movies shows living the lifestyle of simplicity. The tradition authentic cooking. Simple beautiful tradition, peaceful vibe
Both movies involve making delicious meal. Beautiful scenery, simple lifestyle, the fresh air, the space, the peaceful lifestyle. Beautiful overall.
Both shows are slow, peaceful and focus on living in the moment. They are set in similar environments amid nature.
Both movies showing living lifestyle in village. Simply beautiful. Very serene. Simple cooking, peaceful. Beautiful. Lay back. Minimal.