Shoplifters (2018)


Nobody Knows

8.3 2004

In case you love this film which I think would be only 70% then I highly recommend nobody knows. It's the same as shoplifters as the title suggest nobody knows these kids are living alone. The climax in nobody knows is more powerful than shoplifters.
At Home

7.5 2015

Both films are about a family who aren't all they appear to be: they form a family in which not all of the members are necessarily related. Both films question the notion of "traditional family" as they show child abuse and other aberrations the members had suffered in the past. What if the fake family is more real than the original one? What if real happiness comes from a chosen family in which bonds are not by blood?

8.6 2010

You don't get to choose your family but if you did the bonds would be the same. While watching Shoplifters I got the feeling of dejavu and then realized that I felt the same way while watching Mother. Both deal with children in unhappy/ unsafe homes and finding solace elsewhere. With Mother you get a more drawn out story while Shoplifters is a more condensed version. I highly recommend both.
both are rather quiet and slife of life-y family focused films screenwritten and directed by Koreeda. In both a certain revelation turns the life of the characters around, in Like Father Like Son its the driving point of the story while in Shoplifters it gets introduced way later in the movie. Both films also make you question if it had been better if they never found out or not and if your real family are your blood relatives or if it is the people you live with and who raise you.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide

8.0 2022

· Same director (Koreeda Hirokazu) · Focus on abandoned people · Found families · Child abandonment

8.9 2019

Both are fully deserving Cannes’ Palme d'Or winners. Each film is social commentary on what a broken economic system can force people to do when in dire straits. They both centered on poor urban family, clinging to the fringes of society, who gets by through scheming and stealing. If you find yourself empathizing with the Kim family in Parasite, it is because the film tried to humanize them by showing their close family bonds and loyalty to one another. You'll see this in Shoplifters too. They are also some twists in the plot of Shoplifters but I shall not spoil it for you. :)
Family Ties

6.8 2006

The notion of family, that familial bonds are not solely defined by blood. Both explores how different individuals can come together to form an unconventional family.

7.2 1969

Both are about a family of criminals. The main difference is that family members in Shoplifters really care about each other, while the parents in Boy just straight up use their son for their own benefit.