Million Dollar Man (2018)


Squid Game

8.4 2021

Both movies about winning big amount of money. Story within story. Will the million dollars bring happiness?
Two Tigers

7.5 2019

There is a price to pay to get the million dollars. Would you trust other? That is the question in this movie.
Both has to do with cheating, strategy plotting. The group of people work together against the master swindler.
Both involve large amount of cash. Have friend turn into enemy. Human being greed. The money temptation. How life change.

7.7 2014

How does it feel betray by your high school best friend?. Do you feel sympathy for your friend? Brotherhood love, caring, bonding, how about social justice?
Two good friends grew up together, close tight, has differences, separate and reunited. Can they trust each other? They have strong bond. They help each other till the end.