I Will Never Let You Go (2019)


Unique Lady

7.8 2019

Both Male lead fell in love with the female first. Male lead tries to solve their mother's death mystery. Female lead went through identity change. Hate changes to love in ancient times.
My Princess

7.5 2011

Both female leads find out they're connected to royalty. Both shows start off from rags to riches, then suddenly they become royalty with money. Both Female leads have this quirky way of doing things, which makes sense, as they are learning how to live differently from what they've known their whole lives.
It's not a time travel story but the chemistry between the leads and the story feeling reminds me a lo of this drama. If you liked one I am pretty sure you will like the other.
I love how the male main character in both stories change their behaviour especially in front of the female main character. the vibes in both dramas are similar in one way but different in another way. i think that the main characters' interaction is smooth.
Same female Lead Elements of fantasy Political drama Some comedy but is a melodrama Writing is better in my opinion
Both series talk about a wonderful and courageous girl who has to deal with adversities at every turn. We also have an incredibly talented young man madly in love with her. Both series are very similar to each other, also feature films.
We're dealing with a very similar story. We also have young people in love who have to fight for their love. Both series are of course costume.
In both series there are more than one man in love in the main character, we also have a war and many adversities with which the main characters have to deal with.
Great love plays the first role here. In every drama of this type we also have unheard-of accidents, betrayals, lies, pain and suffering. To deal with this, the main characters sometimes have to sacrifice something more than just themselves, but also others. Will they manage to find real love? Both series strive to fulfill this prophecy.
Masked men in search of justice and to investigate in secret without anyone knowing..................
- Both main leads have a hidden masked hero identity - Both female leads like this main lead's masked identity