Idol Producer (2018)


Idol Producer is basically the boy version of Youth With You. It is the season one. Cai Xukun is on it as a trainee instead of PD!!
Its the First season where they formed ninepercent with kun Pd, its the same type of survival show and in my opinion i perfered idol producers.
They both feature idol trainees on their mission to debut! Each show goes through different episodes full of performances that consist of dancing, singing, rap and also songwriting!
-If you liked Chen Li Nong or Zhou Jie Qiong in this show then you'll definitely love Idol Producer!!! Both were on this survival show before, one as a trainee while the other is a mentor -Learn more about idols and their talents and performances from this show
Idol School

7.1 2017

this show is kinda similar to Idol school, also a survival show for 100 chinese trainees in order to form a unite of 9 boys
Boys Planet

8.2 2023

Idol Producer is a chinese survival show from Iqiyi. It's the first chinese of produce 101 and was a big hit at the time. This one has a lot of trainees that became extremely famous in China due to it.
Show de supervivencia donde los ganadores debutan como grupo masculino. Survival show where the winners debut as a boy group.
It's a show featuring the debuting group from Idol Producer, Nine Percent, and their life in America. The show presents clips of Nine Percent at Universal Studios, practicing choreography, and recording music in studios. It is definitely super funny and showcases the individual qualities of each members.
It presents the same concept but is simply a female version of the show. Instead of nine people, eleven trainees end up debuting. The show is definitely emotional, more so than Idol Producer, as it can cause you to tear up some times. The teachers are amazing and funny, and support the girls so much.

7.0 2017

It's also a survival show similarly to Produce 101 and Idol Producer alike. It's not too long and has everything you expect to get when you watch a survival show- especially a YG survival show
The Unit

8.0 2017

They are both survival shows Both of them are really funny and enjoyable to watch just like Broduce The unit has older groups or more nugu groups where as Idol Producer are all(mostly) young trainees The unit is actually hilarious and I love everyone on the show, Idol Producer was also great but it has a more competitive feel rather than family in my opinion
They are both survival shows from the same company (iQiyi), with similar styles of editing and content. However, there are different trainees and mentors in each season. For those who liked Lin Yanjun, I found most people also liked Luo Yizhou ;)
Idol Producer is the Chinese version of Produce 101: Season 2 with male contestants which aired in Korea in 2017.
We Are Young

7.7 2020

A new variety show also about showcasing chinese Idol talents and bringing trainees, new and old, into the limelight! The goal is also to help these trainees debut.
Idol Hits

7.6 2018

Same creator and both shows by iQiyi. Idol Hits promotes the idols that came out of Idol Producer and other artists.