Eulachacha Waikiki (2018)


similiarities: --same writer! --group of friends who have a dream (music as opposed be a writer, actor, videographer) but have a day job to help make that dream become a reality (cabbage farmers vs. guesthouse --family = friends -- the funny!
The main similarity between the 2 shows is that both are laugh-out -loud hilarious. The Sound of Your Heart just focuses on one family instead of a group of friends.
Age of Youth

8.5 2016

These dramas center on a bunch of roommates in an urban setting (there is romance, drama, comedy...) While EW centers on a bunch of guys friends who are part of the entertainment world and who run a guesthouse, AoY and its sequel centers on a group of college going girls who room together in a nice flat.
Recommending Gaus Electronics to those who have watched Laughter in Waikiki. Tbh, I had a hard time finishing the first episode of Gaus Electronics since I disdain verbal abuse and seeing people physically get hurt for nothing (although this was kinda unintentionally self-inflicted, but was kinda caused by his officemates). Just saying I didn't like in the first few parts of episode 1 but come episode 2 and I am laughing out loud like I had in Laughter in Waikiki. If in Laughter in Waikiki, they had 3 struggling tenants not just financially but in other aspects in life, Gaus Electronics is centered on officemates who are in the same marketing team who is known for being a terrible team in the company that are usually prone to failure. Both had this brand of humor in failure that as a viewer, we can't help laughing out loud how some situations gets silly and misunderstood.
Mr. Queen

9.0 2020

Similarities.. * ML is same * best thing is the comedy and whole other things are different, But as a person who watched both dramas , I'm strongly suggest you to watch this drama because of the comedy, romance comedy.. Almost all kdrama lovers know how funny when watching the welcome to waikiki season 1. Same goes with the Mr. Queen, it has it's own unique comedy. different.. the main difference is Mr.Queen is historical and this drama not historical , but don't overthink , just start watching. You won't be able to drop it , Once you start watching it
If you liked the laugh out loud (and sometimes slapstick) comedy in 'I Picked Up a Star' you'll love the hilariousness that is Eulachacha Waikiki - its genuinely funny as hell!
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Another Miss Oh reminds me of Laughter in Waikiki a lot because of the similar humor and slice-of-life plot. Another Miss Oh is slightly more serious while Laughter in Waikiki is much more slap-stick comedic.
The style of slapstick humor is similar, and both use some references to other dramas/movies & cameos/guest actors in every episode
They also had one baby & three men living in 1 place & we get to see how they struggle taking care the baby while make a living too. Both drama are fun & the baby is just as adorable.
Similarities: -Similar settings: guesthouse (Waikiki) and a boarding house (Boarding House #24) -Unique characters -Relationships arise between the people living in the boarding house/guesthouse -Sitcom fomat -Really funny!
Similar humour, in the sense that you know each episode consists mostly of funny scenarios that go wrong for each character. They both are the type of comedies that will make you laugh out loud.
It's unusual to give such recommendation, but still. They are not similar in terms of plot or charachters, but the vibe of the humor are the same. Sometimes very funny, sometimes bit weird, but still worth watching.
I recommend this both drama because , Male lead and Female lead try to solve problem In one drama explosion and another student murder/suicide
Both dramas need to be watched privately for the sole reason that it will make you crack and ugly snort if you watch it in public. They have different premise but they have the similar elements of friendship, life, and (very little) romance. Waikiki is more like a sitcom, but I love the development of the characters. For Prison Playbook, it feels more like a more organized drama where you get know each inmate and their story with comedic elements in it.