Dragon Day, You're Dead (2017)


so the ml has the same personality and practically the same life, minus the f4 part, he's arrogant and rich and finds himself falling for a poor girl that stands up to his bullying, I feel like this is a compilation.
-both rich ML. -both poorer FL who is on scholarship. -both ML bullies FL but they fall in love, (F4 has more severe bullying and more social media being used.) -both ML fails at asking on the first date smoothly. They are both very similar but F4 is Thai and D.D.Y.D is Chinese. I loved them both, striking similarities. Greatly recommend you watch it.
Debido a que al principio se llevaban mal y despues no , tipico de los dramas escolares , juvenil y divertido a la vez
dragon day you’re dead is very similar to meteor garden with the whole rich guy poor girl scenario in high school
- They are both about school romance - The Dramas are both funny - The titles attracts the audience You will find a great similarity if you watch the both
Both set in the same elite school setting and both has a bossy rich male lead that bosses the stubborn main girl lead around and ends up falling in love with her. If you liked Dragon day, you are sure to like Master devil!
- Three rich groups - Jealous annoying rich brat who likes the main male lead - A second dude that also likes the female lead - School - Male Lead starts off bullying the female lead but over time feels attached to her (crush alert) - Female is not as wealthy and consider poor in her new school - The school is for the advanced - Male leads attempts to make the Female Lead prettier by giving her a makeover - Female Lead befriends one not so important but always near her female friend - Female attempts to stand out for others - Male Lead is not such a good student - Male Lead has a private room in the school building filled with luxuries - Male lead falls for the Female Lead first - Female Leads likes Second Male in the beginning - Male Lead is sooo rich which ables him to do a lot of romantic stuff to win Female leads heart
Both of them have the same vibes .only difference is that the girl has cross dresses. Hate and love relationship can be see.
Similarities: - Their relation changes through story: from enemies to lovers - Rich guy / poor girl relationship - Guy is spoiled but he changes and becomes a better person because of the girl - Girl is kind, helpful and tough, she doesn't give up easly - I kinda feel that DDYD is next adaptation of original story presented in HYD based on manga/anime - School / romance / comedy