My Husband Oh Jak Doo (2018)


A man (one from the countryside and one from the past) meets a hard-working woman living in the city. She teaches him the way of the city and ‘civilization’. And they grow on each other, beautifully. Romance aside, each drama has its own very unique plot. They have some similarities too.
Boss & Me

8.0 2014

Both have a male lead that is devoted to the female lead, and the interactions of each couple are very cute.
the vibe is similar because the story discuss about what truly happened in society when women don't get married
Both females hire or get fake husbands in weird ways due to work /professional pressure ! Both dramas tackle career discriminations against women ( more so single ones ) if you liked NG, NL... you will enjoy oh jak doo ( although it's 20+ episodes and drags a bit after ep 15 )
Same kind of calmness and tranquility Male and Female leads leaning on each other through hardships. Healing, precious and sincere, nicely written and executed. Both were MBC weekend dramas that aired in the same year... hmm
Okay, I admit it, these stories are nothing alike...BUT both have a second ML who's eccentric yet downright adorable! In Shopping King Louis Cha Joong Won (portrayed by Yoon Sang Hyun) is a stylish, yet gruffy, city bachelor. In My Husband Oh Jak Doo, Eric Cho (portrayed by Jung Sang Hoon) is an insecure US-schooled parvenu who wants to earn prestige for his father's business. Both actors play these roles with heart and humor and (even if both dramas also have pretty strong first MLs as well) they both often end up stealing the show. These two second male leads fall in love with their respective dramas' FLs, but even if their feelings remain unrequited they support the women they love. They also begrudgingly form a sort of bromancy relationship with the MLs. The only reason why I didn't suffer from SLS in neither of these shows is because I didn't want the FLs to steal these two...I mean...they are obviously both mine!
These dramas feature contract marriages which leads into romantic relationship of the leads. They first meet under unpromising situations. In order to solve it fast they sign a contract. However during the drama they decide to live together and start a serious relationship
Yeah the grandmas! Three grandmas! No but really There are many similarities Feel good romance dramas, with mature characters leaning on each other and healing each other Female lead who’s good at her job, leaves it. Meets a guy from the county side who is skilled at many things. At first both dramas don’t have a clear story direction. I feel like MHOJD had more of an existing story line than HCCC.
They are both dramas revolving a career-minded FL who finds peace in the quiet of rural Korea. The stories are quite different, but both shows have the addition of a makjang revenge plot which is a bit detrimental. This is worse (in my opinion) in Eccentric! Chef Moon. My Husband Oh Jak Doo is a bit more consistent with its premise, but still there are some makjangish elements especially in the second half.
Both have the same ML, Kim Kang Woo, (great actor who does not hesitate to appear naive, boorish or even ridiculous... but who is super handsome in any case :) Two great shows !! These 2 series are both : - funny, - romantic - take place partly in the countryside (or in a small town) - realistic with a coherent story
Both drama revolve around the topics Music and rural life, love and finding your path in life. What makes you happy in life? (Though Modern Farmer is more of a comedy while My Husband Oh Jak Doo is more of a melo)
Similar in the sense a city girl is forced to goto a mountain /village/farm life and falls in love with the villager and the slower more fulfilling life closer to nature.
Though i did not watch this drama the story line seems similar in the sense a city girl is forced to goto a mountain /village/farm life and falls in love with the villager and the slower more fulfilling life closer to nature.
Though Top Star Yoo Baek is more on the comedy side and My Husband Oh Jak Doo is a melo, both drama deal with a guarded city person having to experience the remote countryside. Both drama deal with stepping out of your shell and finding peace in the small things and how important human relationships are to one's life. Of course love triangles are a thing in both drama.