Meet Me @ 1006 (2018)


Plotline: Has certain plot elements from Kdramas "Nine: Nine Times Time Travel" and "Signal". Reference of "Himalayas" secretly. Definitely adopted a few ideas from Kdrama "All About Eve". Main Characters: Main ML has the prideful characteristics as the ML in "Nine: Nine Times Time Travel". Main FL has tiny similar characteristics as the FL in "Nine: Nine Times Time Travel". (Please see Warning below) Warning: - Stereotyped FL who easily misunderstands or angry with ML, as you see in Chinese, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese dramas. She can be hasty/impetuous in judging a situation, emotional, and prejudice, while being tomboyish and athletic. The dialogues among female characters are central on romance and men. - Supporting characters have little background story to understand their motivations or intentions. - Dialogues, story telling, pacing, and character development could have been better. Certain things should be made clear to confuse the audiences. Why the recommendation? - The creativeness of "Time Trevel" theme in the plotline - The acting and chemistry among the actors and actresses are great - Even if you dislike certain characters, you will like the drama as a whole.
Both leads reside in the same apartment but at different point of time. By some strange force, their two worlds overlap. One must solves the mysterious of the other's disappearance.

7.1 2018

Repeat and Meet Me @1006 both have time manipulation Where Meet Me @ 1006 has more romance than Repeat In Both dramas main characters regret there past doings where they get chance to correct them

8.9 2016

both drama connect present and past timeline and try to avoid incidents signal is pure investigation crime show and meet me is romantic crime show
Both the movie and the drama revolve around a similar concept of time travel where the guy is an year in the future and the girl and guy fall for each other.
The 2017 ML character similar to LMIYD ML The relation ship between leads like detective and assistant Mainly the crime and mind games