Momikeshite Fuyu (2018)


they have these 2 in common, family and crime but also in the side of justice. jdoramas and kazoku themes are worth to check out :)

7.5 2017

Both dramas are about self-growth and family. The stories are very unique, memorable and entertaining. The differences are the main protagonist in Momikeshite is a guy and Kanna san is a woman. Momekeshite is way funnier and entertaining though while Kanna-san is a little bit more serious theme. Which is about a woman who was cheated by her husband, underestimated by people around her and try to focus on her dream.
Both dramas told a story about the youngest sibling which is always being taken advantage by the older siblings. Both are funny and entertaining as well as very unique. Be prepared for so many funny expressions from the main protagonist. You will laugh a lot.
Ore no Hanashi wa Nagai is kind of "maknae on top" unlike Momikeshite Fuyu (youngest sibling is at the bottom of the food chain). But nevertheless, the interaction of the family members with each other are pretty much has the same feeling.