Gokusen (2002)


GTO: Remake

8.0 2012

In Gokusen, Yankumi grand-daughter of Yakuza Family and her greatest dream is become a teacher. In GTO, Onizuka is a reformed biker gang leader who has his sights set on an honorable new ambition: to become the world's greatest teacher... Both shows follows same formula, similiar genre, comedy, same kind of humor.
Same concept with delinquent kids, except instead of a teacher fixing things, it's 3 students.
GTO: Remake

8.0 2012

these two are legends. When you watch them, you think about "Why on earth did I not have a teacher like him/her?"
It has , the same plot where there teacher has a hidden background , that helps troubled students that need help .
GTO: Remake

8.0 2012

They both involve, bringing in tough teachers to take care of problem children. Although for Gokusen she hides her family status in the yakuza and G.T.O. he doesn't hide anything or tell anyone unnecessarily about his life in the yakuza
[school dramas] Teacher helps their students with their personal problems...RELIABLE TEACHER XD
Both have very similar story; a teacher with a background. In Gokusen she's from yakuza family while in HS he's from jail. Both teachers solve their student's problems.
both the teachers would do everything to protect there students
Asuko March!

7.5 2011

Same idea of a class of troublesome students, and an optimistic person (in gokusen a teacher, and asuko march the only female student) who help turn everyone's lives around. Scheme of the episodes it similar, that it goes through various characters and shows the efforts of protagonist and their kind hearts that bring resolution to the issue.

8.2 1998

Both these shows are about an unlikely teacher leading a group of unruly delinquent students to academic success(a High School Diploma)
Crows Zero

8.0 2007

Both stories are about school hooligans, yet they show a totally diferent views on the matter.

7.9 2008

Both titles deal with a similar issue: an inspirational teacher who makes his students believe again in themselves and their dreams.
Both shows follow caring teachers (who themselves have delinquent pasts) as they earnestly try to reform their disillusioned, delinquent students (yankees). Gokusen has more lighthearted fun and outrageous situations; Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru takes a much more serious approach and is based on a real school.

7.9 2008

both have delinquents and they a passionate teacher supporting and believing in them. Same concept, one is about baseball and the other about life. You'll love Rookies.
Both dramas feature a strong willed female character trying to change/deal with issues that happen in school and helping students by making them see their mistakes and how to correct them. Only in Gokusen, the main character is a teacher.