Club Friday Season 5: Secret of Classroom 6/3 (2015)


Both dramas are about a relationship between a male student and a female teacher in high school, age gap and forbidden love.
Both dramas are about a relationship between a male student and a female teacher in high school, age gap and forbidden love. Majo no Jouken is more dark and involves sexual relationship.
Both dramas are about a relationship between a male student and a female teacher, age gap and forbidden love. Secret Love Affair is more mature and much serious/high quality drama.
Relationship between a male student/sportsman and a female teacher/coach, age gap (but not very big). both are sweet, beautiful romance developments, with beautiful FL and lovely ML. both are mini series (overall 4-5 hour watch) and not dragged.
Both same vibe dramas about student / teacher relationship in high school. Both are light and really nice watch. In both leads have very good chemistry, relationship development and despite being taboo subject, in both dramas you don't have "cross the line" feel. In both dramas student is very cute, quite popular/active, playful/flirting, with lovely facial expressions. Also because of crush on teacher becomes class president, though before never cared about school activity or study. Difference is genders - in one teacher/older is woman, in another man.
Nang Ai

7.8 2016

Student - teacher/mentor relationship in high school/Catholic boarding school. Difference is genders - in one teacher/older is woman, in another man. Both are light and really nice watch. In both dramas student is very cute, quite popular/active, playful/trouble maker, with lovely facial expressions. In both leads have very good chemistry, relationship development and despite age/status difference it doesn't shown as much taboo / "cross the line" feel.
Female teacher and younger and male student dynamic. They are reeeally cute and funny together! Suuper cute watch the puppy love the male leads have fot their teachers, and how they fall in love.