Love Alarm (2019)


Not exactly the same but in this drama people cannot hide their true feeling or attraction towards each other . It is a good drama
To a certain point, it gives the same vibe. I wouldnt say that this drama is similar to Love Alarm though. Love alarm is much younger and teen concentrated while this is more of a simpler (or complicated) and plainer (or sassier) version. This drama also gives an insight to BL love which Love Alarm doesnt have. Be4 i explain too much in detail, check it out for yourself.
True Beauty

8.3 2020

"True Beauty" gave me a similar vibe with "Alarm Love". Both of them have a high school romance. I recommend both of them 100% :DDDD !!!!
Kitty desperately seeks true love, sometimes foolishly. She runs into her biological mother, only to discover her step father is a peeping-Tom. She elopes with her classmate A Liang, but eventually betrays him. She finds comfort from Xiao Gu whom she met online, only to discover he is married. Kitty then meets Sunshine who gives her the love she wants, but she starts to doubt his feelings for her.
Though both dramas might feel different there's one thing that they have in common. That is in Love Alarm both best friends fall in love with the same girl, just like in Jealousy Incarnate.
Yumi's Cells

8.4 2021

both have 2 seasons and each season had different male lead both can make the audience believe that the first ml is the ending for the fl which is not
I am not a robot special day with you and your family and friends and family are well well well well well
It has the same love triangle. The poor friend likes the female lead first but the rich friend finds out and out of curiosity, he steals her. The plot and genre are different though,
They both have high school settings and love triangles. The male leads in both dramas have a simple, child-like, pure adoration for the female lead. However, while Love Alarm has some fantasy elements, Extraordinary You is definitely more fantastical. Extraordinary You is also lighter fare.
Both dramas have a romance façade, but are truly about societal and psychological issues. There's moral grayness all around. The love triangle is prevalent in both.
love triangle of sadness is and it the it same to me song and is the a best beautiful friend request on Facebook but and the other one is a the bit where that are you came
The second lead guy didn't pursue the girl and let their friend be with the person they love. The female lead have also a similarity because they are going through something hard.