Stranger (2017)


-Murder solving with smart male and female lead -Stranger has a growing bond between them rather than romance -Female lead in stranger is strong as well as brilliant in WASFIL she is weak but braniac -I got the same vibes though
Both are heavily political, lots of different characters, lots of procedural story. Both are story about corruption and evil politicians doing embezzlement and murders. Both are dark.
both dramas have a personage that have troubles to feel and express emotions. also they are about prosecutors, although in He is Psychometric this is not the main lead.
Both of the shows have a mystery about actions of the characters..Both have characters that take actions for what they perceive is greater good and end up sacrificing themselves
The Banker

7.5 2019

Both revolve around noble, morally just “outsiders” from their respective organizations investigating and correcting corruption in bureaucracy and politics.
Very intelligent Male and female leads. Both involve a smart strategising and political intrigue. Underlying themes of power dynamics and those in positions of power
Both are Law focussed although I find Stranger more darker since it mainly deals with heavy crimes & killing. Both also have super intelligent leads (FL in EAW & ML in Stranger) and these leads have a certain condition that makes them lack in their interactions with others. Both are also often looked down upon but ppl know that they’re undeniably good at their jobs. -The biggest similarities for me was the fact that while both leads have difficulty understanding normal emotions they both want to live & help others that have been wronged…they strive to do what’s right & at the same time try to learn the human emotions that comes with their cases.
For those who love Shin Hye Sun and loved her character and acting in Stranger/Secret Forest and would like to see more of her work and be amazed by her acting range.
Both are crime dramas that give off the same feel as far as the crime and suspense go. They also both feature recreation memories, and detective work.

8.0 2017

While Argon's characters work in journalism and Stranger in a prosecutor's office, both feature a protagonist with a unique personality and leadership style (the latter being complained about by all). Both look at corruption that affects real lives, but I felt a similarity more in terms of the writing style and quality directing. Each episode is tightly plotted, with virtually no wasteful scenes.

8.2 2020

Both focus on prosector leads who are aiming to take down corrupt people in power. The main lead (Hwan Shi Mok in Stranger & Jung Geum Ja in Hyena) have an unconventional approach to their cases and tend to rub people up the wrong way. [also in both shows their partners are the ones who understand them best]
Both male leads have a emotion disorder. Both dramas are about solving crime. However, Stranger doesn't have romance between ML and FL although they share a connection it is not a romantic one. Maybe in Stranger 2 they will?

8.0 2017

1. This drama maintains the suspense just like Stranger. 2. The protagonist is also a cold person, who does not express many feelings. 3. It is of investigation and criminality on a subject of corruption of people with a lot of power.
Human Market

7.6 1988

"Stranger" oferece uma narrativa intrigante e tensa sobre corrupção e a luta pela verdade em um sistema cheio de falhas. Com uma trama inteligente e personagens moralmente ambíguos, "Stranger" é uma excelente escolha para quem aprecia dramas que não têm medo de mergulhar nas partes mais obscuras da sociedade.