Queen of Walking (2016)



7.1 2019

The story of the two films is very different. However, one thing they both have in common is the narrator. **SPOILER** At the beginning we are told by a narrator whose whereabouts we do not know. But after that, the narrator introduces himself and both of them are animals.
577 Project

7.2 2012

Both are about long distance walking, LOL. Both has some comedy and humor in it. It is about perseverance and determination. Good fun.
Xuan Zang

7.7 2016

Both are long distance walking. Although Queen is a comedy, Xuang is a serious movie. They both showing tremendous persistence, perseverance, endurance, determination and strong will

7.4 2012

Long distsnce marathon or long distsnce wzlking both deserve encoursgement snd care. Hard work, hard core sport.
A very underrated sports film, with a little bit of a twist. It's quirky, it's sweet, it's funny and the characters are all really likeable and hilarious. The best kind of comfort, the best kind of escapism—convincing and sincere.
Both are about long distance walking or running. Although one is older and more serious, the other one is funny Both take strong mind set to complete
10,000 Miles

7.1 2016

Both movie has a main lead that is determination and strong stubborn personality Both are long distance running Young, energetic, character growth

6.9 2008

Both movie has long distance running theme Both main lead in the movie run for purpose. They have vision and missiion